Impact Mosquito & Tick Control Free Estimates
Impact Mosquito & Tick Control is Dane County's top pest management choice. We offer effective mosquito and tick barrier treatments, guaranteed to last up to 30 days. With rising concerns over mosquito-borne diseases like Zika, our services are more popular than ever.
Our program uses a proven protocol with a combination of products, including an insect growth regulator (IGR) applied every 30 days. Choose Impact Mosquito Control for reliable protection.
New technology protects the active ingredient from harsh conditions such as sunlight and surface pH extremes.
This combination has been field-tested and proven to provide superior performance against mosquitoes and ticks.
If the application fails to provide an adequate reduction of mosquito populations during the 30-day treatment period, Impact will provide the appropriate amount of retreatment(s) at no cost.
Free property evaluation
Call Now 608-422-1422
More Than Just Mosquitoes, Impact Has You Covered. Just ask!
INSECTS CONTROLLED: • Ants • Aphids • Armyworm • Azalea caterpillar • Bagworm • Bed bugs • Bees • Beetle • Black turfgrass ataenius • Black vine weevil • Bluegrass billbug • Boxelder bugs • Broadmite • Brown soft scale • Budworm • California oakworm • California red scale (crawler) • Cankerworm • Carpenter bees • Carpet beetles • Centipede • Chiggers • Chinch bug • Cigarette beetles • Clover mite • Cluster flies • Cockroaches • Confused flour beetles • Crickets • Cutworm • Earwigs • Eastern tent caterpillar • Elm leaf beetles • European sawfly • Fall webworm • Firebrats • Flea beetle • Fleas • Flies • Forest tent caterpillar • Grasshopper • Grubs • Gypsy moth larvae • Hyperodes weevil • Japanese beetle • June beetle • Lace bugs • Leaf skeletonizer • Leaf-feeding caterpillar • Leafhopper • Leafminer • Leafrollers • Lesser grain borer • Litter beetles • Mealybug • Midges • Millipede • Mites • Mole cricket • Oleander moth larvae • Parasitic Wasp • Pillbug • Pine sawfly • Pine shoot beetle • Pineneedlescale (crawler) • Pinetip moth • Plant bug • Red flour beetles • Rice weevil • Root weevil • Sawfly • Saw-toothed grain beetles • Scale insect (crawler) • Scorpions • Silverfish • Sowbugs • Spider • Spider mite • Spider Mite, (two-spotted spruce) • Spittlebug • Striped flea beetle • Striped oakworm • Termites • Termites, (above ground only) • Thrips • Tip moth • Tussock moth larvae • Wasps • Webworm, sod • Whiteflies
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Frequently Asked Questions
Safe for children and pets?
Yes! There are no poisons or harmful chemicals in the application.
Does the Mosquito Barrier repel Fleas, Ticks, and Chiggers?
Yes, but don't spray your dog or cat. Instead, cut all tall grass and spray liberally on grass, shrubs, plants, and tree trunks in the yard. Spray the yard completely. Also, be sure to spray the sides of buildings, tree trunks and wooden fence posts to a height of 6 feet when spraying for ticks. There is no need to spray the foliage on any trees. If there is a heavy infestation, repeat in 5 days and then every two weeks thereafter. That should be sufficient to keep the insects out of the yard.
Can my dog or cat get West Nile Virus from mosquitoes?
Yes, they can, and there is no cure. However, it is rarely fatal. By all means, check with your vet if your pet appears ill or feverish.
What exactly are ticks?
Ticks are not insects. They are arthropods that are more closely related to spiders. Adult ticks have 8 legs, while insects have 6 legs. Ticks are ectoparasites, meaning they must have a host for most of their life cycle to survive and reproduce. The tick life cycle includes egg, larval, nymphal, and adult stages. The larval stage of the tick has 6 legs, but when it molts to the nymphal stage, there are 8 legs.
What is a Misting System?
Mosquito misting systems generally are on a timer and are programmed to go off in the early morning, at sundown, and in the early evening. They spray a poison that kills bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. On windy days they can blow the poison onto your neighbor's property. If your neighbors are allergic to the poison, you may face legal problems. Mosquito Barrier is best sprayed at sundown when no bees or butterflies are out. If the wind blows - it won't poison anyone or anything. It's also safe around fish.
Is the Mosquito Barrier harmful to beneficial birds, bees, ladybugs, and butterflies?
No, not at all. Birds, bees, and ladybugs are not bothered by the garlic spray. Butterflies are not bothered by the garlic spray if you do not spray it on them directly.
I see several mosquito sprays for the yard that have Permetherin, which is used to kill mosquitoes. Is it safe?
Permethrin has been licensed by the EPA since 1977 and has a few warnings about its use: It kills bees, fish, and many beneficial insects. It cannot be sprayed near streams, lakes, fish ponds, etc. Many sellers of products containing this chemical are often shy about telling consumers about what all it kills aside from mosquitoes.
Will Mosquito Barrier work on fire ants?
Yes. We have had excellent results getting rid of fire ants by using a Mosquito Barrier poured over the fire ant mound in a drench. More information and instructions can be found here. There is no competition. Impact Mosquito Control is a cut above the competition. Only the best available technology is put into each of our custom services. All of our staff are well trained and Professional. We never use sub-contractors, so we can assure you peace of mind when our team is on your property. From the day we give you an estimate to the day we perform your service and final inspection, you can rest assured that our team will be detailed and highly professional at all times.
If you want to enjoy the great outdoors, you may soon realize some not-so-great parts about heading out into the big wide world. Whether you’re trying to grill outside, relax in a hammock or take a (literal) hike, you might find that annoying, whining buzz following you. There are about 176 mosquitoes in the United States, and these insects kill 50 thousand times more people than sharks. They’re considered major disease carriers, transmitting malaria, the West Nile virus, and other potentially fatal diseases. They’re also pests, getting in the way of outdoor activities, causing painful bites, and even causing injuries to animals and livestock.
Check Your Gutters!
Mosquitoes and these insects in Wisconsin
Wisconsin is home to at least 56 species of mosquitoes. Many of these are never found biting people. Some prefer birds or amphibians. Among those that feed on mammals, the white-tailed deer can be a favorite host. The table below has a list of all those species.
SpeciesCommon NamePest status
Aedes cinereus Occasional pest
Aedes vexansInland Floodwater MosquitoVery frequent pest in large numbers; all season; increases with rain
Anopheles Barberi Treehole breeder; larvae are predaceous
Anopheles crucians Breed in semi-permanent and permanent pools, ponds, lakes, and swamps.
Anopheles earlier Breeds in cold, clear water in ponds and other small bodies of water that contain vegetation.
Anopheles punctipennisWoodland Malaria MosquitoJamestown canyon virus; most common Anopheles; common in swampy or boggy areas
Anopheles quadrimaculatusCommon Malaria MosquitoCommon Anopheles species, Historical vector of malaria in Wisconsin
Anopheles walkeri Breeds in freshwater swamp habitats.
Coquillettidia perturbansSalt and Pepper MosquitoVery common pest species; associated with cattails. Sometimes called the cattail mosquito.
Culex erraticus Larvae found in grassy shallow margins of ponds, lakes, marshes, and streams.
Culex pipiensNorthern House MosquitoVector of West Nile Virus. Larvae found in catch basins, ditches, containers, untended swimming pools, and many other locations.
Culex restuansWhite Dotted MosquitoVector of West Nile virus between birds
Culex salinarius Uncommon; susceptible to extreme cold. Larvae tolerate brackish water.
Culex tarsalisWestern Encephalitis MosquitoUncommon. This mosquito is an important vector of West Nile virus in western Iowa and western Minnesota. Larvae are associated with irrigated agricultural lands.
Culex territans Feeds on frogs
Culiseta impatiens Northern range (Michigan, Wisconsin). Associated with roadside ditches in Illinois.
Culiseta inornata Winter mosquitoThis species is generally found in ground pools but may occur in artificial containers. Some typical sources for these larvae are ditches, canals, rain ponds and irrigation and tail water impoundments.
Culiseta melanura Black tailed mosquito Favors acid waters. Tamarack, conifer, cedar and red maple swamps. Overwinters as larvae and adults are usually early season. Not attracted to mammals; important vector of EEE between birds.
Culiseta minnesotae Sedge & cattail marsh.
Culiseta morsitans Semi-permanent woodland swamps containing tussocks of sedge grasses. Closely resembles Cs minnesotae.
Aedes abserratus Marshes, cattails, natural and cranberry bogs. Early season.
Aedes atropalpusRock-pool MosquitoWarmest rocks in middle of streams
Aedes aurifer
Aedes campestris
Aedes canadensis Common in spring; woodland pest species
Aedes communis
Aedes decticus
Aedes diantaeus
Aedes dorsalisPale Marsh Mosquito
Aedes euedes
Aedes excrucians
Aedes fitchii
Aedes flavescens
Aedes grossbecki Rare; Only 1 specimen recorded; early season species, common in Chicago
Aedes hendersoni Another treehole breeder
Aedes implicatus
Aedes intrudens
Aedes japonicusAsian rock-pool mosquitoAn invasive species in Wisconsin, 1st detected in mid 2000’s, now widespread.
Aedes nigromaculis
Aedes pionips
Aedes provocans
Aedes punctor
Aedes riparius
Aedes sollicitansEastern Salt Marsh Mosquito
Aedes spencerii
Aedes sticticusFloodwater mosquito
Aedes stimulansWoodland MosquitoCan be locally common in some woodlots; pest especially in spring
Aedes triseriatusEastern Tree Hole MosquitoVector of LaCrosse encephalitis virus; treeholes, tires, cans, and small containers as breeding sites
Aedes trivittatusPlains floodwater mosquitoVery common pest species; high numbers; especially after rains
Orthopodomyia alba Not a mammal feeder
Orthopodomyia signifera Not a mammal feeder
Psorophora ciliataGallinipper (unofficial)Very large mosquito; Southern Wisconsin
Psorophora feroxWoodland MosquitoPurplish color on abdomen
Psorophora horrida
Psorophora mathesoni
Uranotaenia sapphirinaSapphire striped mosquitoes small; Has iridescent blue scales; not known to bite humans; feed on reptiles and amphibians
Wyeomyia smithiiPitcherplant MosquitoAssociated with bogs; does not bite humans or livestock